Wednesday, September 17, 2014

We're Home!

So the past 10 months we have not had internet so I have not been able to keep things up to date here.  Now, we finally have internet... why?  Because we have FINALLY moved to our new home ON THE FARM!  To say we are happy or excited is an understatement! 

We moved in last Friday/Saturday and by moved in, I mean we stacked all our belongings in the garage.  We are slowly unpacking and it feels like the boxes are multiplying.  I may just quit and put a garage sale sign by the road....

In addition to the big move, we have had some chicken excitement here.  We bought a new to us Joel Salatin-style egg-mobile plus 120 little chicks to put in it.  They are hanging out in their brooder for a while longer before moving in the egg-mobile. We are looking forward to having pastured eggs for our family and customers in a few more months and possibly pastured poultry. 

We also have an angus/charlois cross that we are raising for our family to have grass-fed beef.  He has turned out to be a sweet little bull... I have to keep reminding myself that he is food!  Here he is with one of his future little sale-barn friends after they snuck out of their paddock and found their way to the back yard.  Sneaky! 

Monday, July 28, 2014

About 7 weeks more....

We have about 7 more weeks until the house is ready! We can't wait to actually live at the farm so we can really get busy with all our dream/goals/plans. We have three calves, 5 chickens, and a small garden for now but will be adding more of all that and hopefully pigs and goats too. This is just a brief update...we are still here and will have more to share later but for now, find us on Facebook or Instagram for more pics of what has been going on!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Slow Progress

Hi friends! It's been a slow process, at least to is, but we are getting closer to getting the farm going. We have finally sold our home in town (we close in 9 days!) and have started the process of having our home built on the land. We hope to break ground in about 6 weeks. We are just waiting for all the paperwork to go through!

We are staying in a rental in the mean time and have stopped tending chickens for now. We have a garden started here... Onions, carrots, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts planted so far. Our plan is to be in our house by the fall and start gardening there, finish mending fences and planning our pasture, then at some point start pigs in the woods and maybe get a cow. We'll start over with chickens and hopefully a great pyr puppy Spring 2015.

So that is our plan so far! I will start posting progress pics when I have some to show!

Happy Farming Y'all!