Thursday, August 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home

The chickens are at their new home.... finally at the farm!  The coop was moved yesterday along with the kids swingset/fort.  For the next couple of days they will stay locked up in the coop just so they get use to knowing where home is. 

For the last few weeks they have not been cooped up at all.  They have pretty much roamed the neighborhood all day then go back to the coop on their own (which was always left open) to roost for the night. I don't think they'll be as safe at the land so we're keeping them locked up for now.  After a few days, we'll see how they do being let out in the morning and put up at night.  Hopefully that will work fine.  We will be driving over in the morning and evening to water them, collect eggs, and at the evening trip, feed them in the coop and lock them up.  Eventually, we will make the coop mobile and have a mobile electric fence so they can be moved around the pasture.  For now, the coop is just plopped in the middle of a field.  The ground was so soft we almost got stuck and couldn't get it all nice and straight and exactly where we wanted it.  The chickens don't seem to mind.. they even gave us 4 eggs this morning.

We have made a little more progress on our home sweet home, too.  We have called a realtor who is suppose to come out Saturday to talk to us about listing.  We've also been researching house plans and talking to our builder about options.  Hopefully our house won't be on the market long so we can get on with moving to the farm with the chickens!

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